decided to look around for design inspiration for my GLOBALL website and came across something more awesome than I could’ve ever expected. I felt downright lucky! is the brain child of a very interesting guy. I don’t know who he is or what he looks like, few people do, but he’s doing something noteworthy. A few years ago, he came across a whole lotta money. After buying a ticket to outer space, he realized that maybe he could do something even cooler with his money… make other people’s dreams come true. At random, on any given day, he gives away 1,000 pounds to absolute strangers. The only contingency? Do something with the money to make the world a better place. Awesome.
I couldn’t believe it…I was just looking for a cool website and came across this one. Like a long lost brother I had found someone who understood the importance, nay, power of sharing. You have something valuable and it’s a recession so what do you do with it? Give it away!